Friday, March 30, 2012

The Future. "American Dream"

The future is pretty much a strange thing for me to think about. In today's society, the "American Dream" has became more of a 'old' - in the past ordeal. While there are many who strive for the American Dream of having marriage, kids, house, job, car, and living it to the fullest. Many cannot achieve this and as time goes by, many don't even care or want this anymore.

Marriage: A bond of two souls in which they shall live together through health and sickness. I do not think you have to be a man and woman to get married. If people want to get married (Legal Age+) Then why the hell not? Marriage isn't a whole 'sacred' practice as it was in the old days. There is so many single moms that are no longer frowned upon and socially accepted.

I grew up with the whole "You marry someone because you love them and want to be with them forever." And of course, sex after marriage. But that is one rule I didn't follow or really care about. I think being sexually compatible is something that makes marriage work, too -- and of course - a relationship. I still believe I should get married one day, but that slowly fades now and then. I don't see myself getting married because Jonathan has a fear of marriage due to his mother being with so many and divorcing twice. This has an emotional effect on him with the belief that marriage is only to 'screw over' the male.

Furthermore, being in a Polyamory Triad is even more difficult to get married. There is the part of Polygamy - whereas it's illegal so we couldn't be married to each other. Also, it would be unfair to the other if only two got married. But then again, as said above, marriage is becoming less and less as society furthers.

Children: Many feel the need to pass down their name, genetics, and ext. Some want to have kids because they feel they were raised horribly and know they can do a better job or the worse reason: to get federal money or to keep their partner. Society has accepted single mothers, single fathers, surrogates, and ext.

I want children because they bring me joy, that is unimaginable. To see a tiny human grow from infant to adult... to teach them life and how to be great in a world that is slowly going to crap. I grew up in a horrible home with my parents. Luckily, I was able to escape and live with my grandparents who helped me through life, and continue to do so. I don't want to have kids to prove I won't be abusive like my parents. I want kids because I know I will be a great mother and give unconditional love. To bring a soul into the world that can make a difference.

But bringing a Polyamory Triad into a child's life will be different. Society frowns upon (not everyone) lesbian mothers or gay fathers. Thinking they will poison the child's mine and 'make' them gay. Sure, a child will copy it's parents when it's young because it learns. This does not mean it'll be instantly gay, it's not really even a choice. I am bisexual, my sister is bisexual and our mother is gay. Can it be genetic? Why not. Can it be chosen? Eh. I think woman are beautiful... I am physically attracted to guys and girls. --- but anyway. Polyamory will be different. There is people who have successfully raised a 'normal' child with this -- even polygamy. Having multiple mothers/fathers is not a social norm yet, but who knows in the future.

The Other Stuff: Having a house is harder with the economic times. So is obtaining a job. Living life to the fullest doesn't mean you have to be rich, handsome, and amazing. It just means you have to be you. Be yourself and true to yourself. Happiness is easy to find in small and big places. Just reach out there and find it. You don't have to have everything to live the "American Dream." Being in America is an American Dream to some. Being free in a democracy rather then dictatorship.

I might not live the social norm, but I can still live the "American Dream." I have a few fantastic people in my life, I give many thanks to my grandparents, and don't know what I would do without some of them. I might be out of a job now, living in an apartment... but at least I am living.

The Future... The American Dream.. is what you make of it. 

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