Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Writer to be and the Human Brain

I love writing.

like... LOVE... writing. 

There's just something about the crafting of words, the style and flow that synchronize into a story or a poem.. even a report or essay. Even reading is eye-gasmic! I love how words can create even the most imaginative scenery. How they portray graphical images or even movies without audio but with ones creative mind.

Like.. when I read. I see a movie that my mind creates. Even when I write a novel/story... I imagine it as a movie first, how it'd look and if the scene would work correctly. 

I guess I could say I LOVE the human brain, too. I'll look at random people an just wonder about their life. For instance, when I went out to eat at a Buffet, an old man was eating all alone. I wondered if he had a wife, or if he just had a routine of eating dinner there in his lonely life. It just makes you wonder. :) The human brain is a powerful thing.

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